Shalomyah Bowers, the leader of Black Lives Matter Global Network(GNF), is reportedly being sued by Black Lives Matter grassroots. The claim, Bowers allegedly stole $10 million from the organization. The announcement was made by BLM Los Angeles Co-founder Melina Abdullah, who claimed Bowers has" used BLM as his "personal piggy bank" and has "betrayed the public trust by self-dealing and breaching his fiduciary duties."

“While BLM leaders and movement workers were on the street risking their lives, Mr. Bowers remained in his cushy offices devising a scheme of fraud and misrepresentation to break the implied-in-fact contract between donors and BLM,” the lawsuit said.

In addition to accusing Bowers of stealing money from the organization, it is also reported that Bowers is responsible for running well-respected advocates out of BLM.

Bowers responded to the suit with a blistering statement.

“They [Black Lives Matter Grassroots] would rather take the same steps of our white oppressors and utilize the criminal legal system which is propped up by white supremacy (the same system they say they want to dismantle) to solve movement disputes. Bowers said

In a mission statement posted on Black Lives Matter GNF's website, the organization attempts to shift focus away from all of the negative press by accusing the Biden administration of enabling white supremacy.

"Today, we should be talking about Biden’s “Safer America Plan,” which funds the police and enables and encourages state-sanctioned violence against our communities. We should be talking about the water crisis in Jackson, where white supremacist leaders have allowed the city’s water system to fail, which is endangering and killing our people."


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