FBI Coerced Americans To Waive Their Gun Rights Through Secret Forms And Profiling


FBI Coerced Americans To Waive Their Gun Rights Through Secret Forms And Profiling
The Federal Bureau of Information (FBI) coerced Americans into relinquishing their Second Amendment rights by filing secret forms, according to a discovery by a gun rights group. The Gun Owners of America (GOA) 2A said the FBI pressured Americans into signing the forms, effectively relinquishing their rights to use, purchase, or own guns. Individuals were profiled and pressured to sign forms in undisclosed locations.

According to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request,
the federal agency delivered these forms to the individuals at their homes or undisclosed locations.

The FBI secret forms requested the signatories to declare themselves as a danger to themselves and others or lacking the mental capacity to contract or manage their lives. The forms stated that the individuals would be registered with the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), thus barring them from passing background checks when buying firearms. At least 15 individuals signed these forms in three years, between 2016 and 2019, when the program ended, according to an insider.

According to GOA’s outside counsel Robert Olson, these declarations amounted to the FBI taking individuals’ rights to bear arms.
Undue pressure to sign FBI secret forms
The documents did not disclose the FBI’s criteria for profiling such individuals. However, appended notes suggested ongoing investigations, with some signatories allegedly making
online or in-person threats. Although the individuals signed the secret forms voluntarily, legal experts state that
citizens experience undue pressure when dealing with the FBI.

Additionally, federal authorities could easily deceive the signatories off-record about the
nature of the alleged investigations, compelling them to sign the forms to avoid getting in trouble. According to Olson, “a person is almost invariably at a disadvantage when dealing with armed federal agents.” For example, one signatory was accused of threatening to open fire at a church in a Facebook conversation. However, the individual denied the allegation, indicating that he had never owned or planned to own a gun or kill people.

The interview took place at his home, raising the seriousness of the issue and potentially
influencing his decision to waive his gun rights.


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