Watch "Girl rescued from metro Atlanta motel where she was bought and sold for sex, 9 men convicted" on YouTube

Atlanta's 11 ALIVE reports: Nine men were convicted after authorities said a missing 17-year-old girl from Missouri had been sex trafficked by "multiple individuals" and found in a College Park motel room.

The rescue was a part of the annual US Marshal Service operation entitled " Operation Not Forgotten."

"People would be shocked to know how many kids are missing all the time in the state of Georgia," Hannah Palmquist, Chief of the Human Trafficking Unit of the Georgia Attorney General's Office, explained.

Watch the video from 11 ALIVE ATLANTA

This case is not unique, unfortunately. In 2020 
THE NYPOST published an article detailing how dozens of missing kids were found in Georgia, including victims of trafficking. 


Yet another story of human trafficking goes almost uncovered by the mainstream media.
I searched for this story all over the web, and I could hardly find any coverage except for articles posted on Atlanta's local news sites. 

I know I say this often, but it seems as if there is a media blackout on child/human trafficking. It looks as if the powers-that-be who control the media have put a gag order out, and news reporters are purposely side-stepping every trafficking story while bombarding the masses with bullshit stories like the missing Titanic sub or UFO sightings.

After a while, one must begin to believe that the government is complicit in the trafficking rings.
It turns out many Americans now believe this to be true. This leads me to my next point. Although it is good news to hear that these men have been caught and arrested for selling this teenage girl as a sex slave, I wonder if they are just the fall guys. Are there more important people with money and influence behind individuals like them that are financing this sex slavery operation?

I don't believe these men are the end-all, be-all. 
I am willing to bet that if someone were able to do some digging, they would find some there is a much more sophisticated network at work. But, of course, that information would never see the light of day.

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